The philosophical teaching of Leonid Gabrilovich in the context of the logical and epistemological direction in the history of Russian thought of the 20th century


  • Alexandr V. Shevtsov Moscow Aviation Institute (Russia)



Leonid Gabrilovich, logical and epistemological doctrine, L. Löwenheim, Wilhelm Schuppe, Immanuel Kant, normative, inherent/immanent philosophy, phenomenology, the concept of “actual forms”, theory of knowledge


The article discusses the formation of the philosophical concept of Leonid Evgenievich Gabrilovich (1878–1953), a Russian thinker of the first half of the 20th century. In the Rus­sian period of creativity, i.e. until 1918, as it is shown in the article, in his philosophi­cal development Gabrilovich experienced the influence of such fundamental theories as the philosophy of normative, immanent philosophy of W. Schuppe and phenomenology of E. Husserl. The article studies the following articles by L.E. Gabrilovich of the first, “Russian” period: “On the concepts of truth and reliability in the theory of knowledge” 1908, “On two scientific concepts of thinking (to justify one dativist logic)” 1909, “On the meaning and essence of elementary concepts (an attempt at a new development of the problem of universal concepts)” 1910, as well as some others. It is shown that in his philosophical work L.E. Gabrilovich consistently and purposefully followed the de­velopment of his own concept, the nature of which makes it possible to attribute his phi­losophy to the logical and epistemological direction in Russian philosophy of the 20th cen­tury. The article proves that according to their ideas and structure, the analyzed texts of Gabrilovich revealed the themes of mathematical formalism, dativist logic, at the same time they were the main stages in the development of his own logical and epistemological concept as mathematical thinking and the actual form. L.E. Gabrilovich outlined the re­sults of these developments in the book “On Mathematical Thinking and the Concept of the Actual Form”, a 1914 essay written by him in German. It is concluded that the con­cept of “dativist logic”, developed by Gabrilovich in articles of 1909 and 1910, will later result in his theory of “actual forms”.







How to Cite

2024. The philosophical teaching of Leonid Gabrilovich in the context of the logical and epistemological direction in the history of Russian thought of the 20th century. Filosofskii zhurnal | Philosophy Journal. 17, 2 (Jul. 2024), 168–183. DOI: