A time to be silent and a time to speak: S. Kierkegaard’s “The Point of View for My Work as an Author”
Kierkegaard, “The Point of View for My Work as an Author”, pseudonym, Kierkegaard’s aesthetic works, Kierkegaard’s religious works, indirect message, crisis of Christianity, religious author, system of authorshipAbstract
The article is devoted to the work of the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard “The Point of View for My Work as an Author” which is the most complete statement on the topic of his use of pseudonyms. The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning of “The Point of View” for the study of the thinker’s creativity, to identify and discuss work-related problems. The first part of the article is devoted to the history of the creation and publication of “The Point of View”. The interpretations of pseudonymity in “The Point of View” and “Concluding Unscientific Postscript” are compared, the difference between the goals and circumstances of the creation of works is considered. The reasons why Kierkegaard postponed the publication of “The Point of View” and never published it are analyzed. In the second part of the article the content of “The Point of View” is considered. Kierkegaard's interpretation of authorship and related problems are analyzed. Kierkegaard connects his interpretation with the modern crisis of Christianity and shows that in these conditions a direct message about Christianity is impossible. A religious author who carries out indirect communication appears as a new religious type. The formation of these views of the thinker and their significance in the context of his epoch are discussed. The author of the article shows that the last part of “The Point of View” is in contradiction with its first part. Next, the criticism of “The Point of View” is considered. The author concludes that the skeptical attitude towards the content of the work is fair, but it is more aimed at destroying ideas about the possible integrity of Kierkegaard’s work and is influenced by Derrida’s doctrine of deconstruction. The contradiction between the parts of “The Point of View” may be a consequence of Kierkegaard’s religious views and his communicative strategy. Arguments are made in favor of a positive attitude to the work and problems are formulated, work on which will help clarify the topic of pseudonymity. The author concludes that “The Point of View” is an important source through which we can trace the change in Kierkegaard’s attitude to his work.