Logic of sense objectives
(summing up the discussion)
logic of sense, cognitive history of philosophy, cognitive philosophy, big culture, cognitive experience of culture, big culture archiveAbstract
Short, middle and long-term objectives for the logic of sense are outlined. The short-term objective is, firstly, to sketch the logic-and-meaning map of the four big cultures of humankind (European, Arab-Muslim, South Asian and Far Eastern) producing the first description of the logics of sense manifold. This description will outline that variant of (1) power of judgment, (2) basic (indefinable) categories of the theoretical (philosophical included) discourse and (3) basic logical regulative principles that underlies that specific big culture and defines its “morphology” (Spengler) and all the stages of its epistemic chain (the most important of them being perception, speech and thought). Secondly, we need to sketch the logic-and-meaning map for the individual consciousness which is basically open to all possible kinds of the logic of sense, elaborating on the line of psychological studies developed by V.K. Solondaev. Thirdly, it is especially promising to discover the neural network parallels for the logic-and-meaning regularities of human consciousness activity and to map them. The three maps superposition is likely to suggest new interesting conclusions. The middle term objective is to develop the cognitive history of philosophy as an antipode to the analytic history of philosophy. The cognitive history of philosophy will study the development of philosophy in the big cultures and their subcultures as defined by the basic toolkit provided by the concrete variant of the logic of sense (that is, the variant of the power of judgment and of the set of basic categories and logical principles). The cognitive history of philosophy approaches the philosophical traditions of every big culture as, firstly, independent and irreducible to the philosophical discourse in any other big culture, and, secondly, as embedded in the system of that big culture and organically belonging to it. The long term objective is to make logic of sense and the cognitive history of philosophy converge to arrive at the cognitive philosophy which will discover the freedom of sense positing by virtue of mastering its regularities in full. The ‘cognitive philosophy’ is another name for the logic of sense in its completeness.