On integrity, its constriction and extension
(to the discussion of the logical-semantic concept of consciousness)
logic of meaning, philosophy of consciousness, coherence, constriction, extension, experience, languageAbstract
This paper is a full version of the author’s talk at “Procedural Logic and Philosophy of Consciousness”, a discussion dedicated to A.V. Smirnov’s book “The Logic of Meaning as a Philosophy of Consciousness: An Invitation to Reflection” (2021). The proposed content can be viewed as a co-reflection on the key concepts of the logical-semantic concept of consciousness: coherence, integrity, constriction, extension as the foundations and methods of conceptualization in their existential perspective. It is stressed that the logical-semantic approach of A.V. Smirnov reveals new facets in the understanding of philosophical rationality, personal and cultural subjectivity, experience, consciousness and their formation. To demonstrate the general philosophical, methodological status of the system of concepts introduced by the author, analogies are drawn with the understanding of existential experience as a constriction of meaning-forming experiences that are unfolded by the subject in communication, creativity, self-understanding. The concepts that have received a conceptual justification in the works of A.V. Smirnov bring the origins of experience to another level of comprehension, in accordance with which the spectrum of understanding of human reflexive capabilities also changes. If we “start with integrity”, as the author advises us, then the idea of recursiveness of experience as a pulsating process of comprehension and self-reflection in the process of human interaction with the world or his “flickering” being-in-the-world is strengthened and acquires new angles. Of particular importance here is the very style of author’s reflection, which is associated with the revision of established philosophical categories and their interpretations, the departure from the usual interpretations to discover one’s own philosophical language: one’s own – both in terms of the individual author’s approach and in aspects of the formation of the modern domestic philosophical tradition.