In defence of Smysl and its logic


  • Lora T. Ryskeldiyeva Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Russia)



meaning, sense, smysl, A.V. Smirnov, consciousness, logic, hermeneutics, vsechelovechestvo


Being a supporter of the “Logic of Smysl” approach (LS), the author is highlighting four its main aspects in assurance that they can increase the number of such supporters. First, it responds to the searches being carried out in European culture and to serious and multi­faceted criticism of academic philosophy. So, it has the potential to overcome this crisis on the path to discovering Smysl as a real “thing” (res), as well as to overcome the notori­ous and bored dichotomy of analytical and hermeneutic approaches. Secondly, the philos­ophy proceeding from the LS starts from the very beginnings of thinking, from the meta­physical idea of ​​Wholeness-Smysl, comes to socio-political implications, thus following the Russian traditions of integral, whole knowledge. Thirdly, LS, preserving the problem of consciousness as a problem, fundamental and peculiar to modernity, can become a complex of new researches, leading cognitive science to the study of other ways of thinking of the world. Fourthly, the author sees in LS an ethical project: as a goal it is reviving and re-interpreting the well-known Russian philosophy ideal of all-humanity, taking into account the real otherness of the Other and using the material of philosophical Oriental studies – it is the ideal of friendship and brotherhood.







How to Cite

2022. In defence of Smysl and its logic. Filosofskii zhurnal | Philosophy Journal. 15, 4 (Nov. 2022), 26–34. DOI: