The logical meaning of the concept of “logic of sense”
logic of sense, unconventional consequences, local openness, recursive closure, sense-generationAbstract
The article discusses the concept of logic of sense – one of the key concepts in the philosophy of A.V. Smirnov. The text details the considerations expressed by the author at the round table “Process logic and philosophy of consciousness”. Unlike the formal-logical approach, the conceptual framework of which is based on the concept of a formal system, the theoretical status of the “logic of sense” is fully manifested only in the context of the concept of culture. The logical form corresponding to the procedures of sense-generation is dynamic, not substantial. In different cultures, it is characterized by a peculiar combination of regulatory and constitutive principles for the generation of intersubjective semantics. The necessity, which constitutes logical aspects of sense generation, manifests itself in the fact that it 1) forms the horizon of possible culture-forming conventions fixed by one or another “natural” language and their corresponding practices, and 2) separates the conventions themselves from their consequences, which are already not conventional.