The history, contemporary state, and metaphilosophy of the opposition “analytic/continental” philosophy
opposition “analytic philosophy / continental philosophy”, history of philosophy, metaphilosophyAbstract
The aim of the article is to review the literature devoted to the opposition of analytical and continental philosophy. Despite the existence of various typologies of the philosophy of the 20th century, this opposition is a key characteristic of the current state of affairs in the twentieth century’s philosophy. The article describes various characteristics of the opposition and demonstrates that the establishment of its status stimulated the development of research on the history of opposition and the search for common roots of its sides. The emergence of the opposition is associated with Mill’s criticism of Coleridge’s philosophy and Russell’s criticism of Bergson’s ideas, which meant a certain cultural break between the British and continental philosophical traditions. The article also draws attention to the point of view according to which the opposition of analytical and continental philosophy is a manifestation of the opposition of classical and non-classical philosophical traditions. Certain emblems of the establishment of the opposition were the results of the colloquium at Royaumont in the 50s of the last century and the written discussion between Derrida and Searle regarding Austin’s ideas in the 70s. At the same time, there are gradually more and more works aimed at a dialogue between the two traditions and at the demonstration the mutual interest of philosophers who belong to different philosophical traditions, to each other’s works. Such a dialogue leads to the study of options for the development of philosophy in the future – the creation of a “synthetic” philosophy, the proposal to replace the opposition with other ones, in particular, “post-analytical/metacontinental”. An increasing number of philosophers argue for the connection of this opposition with a different understanding of the very nature of philosophy, which leads to statements about the metaphilosophical nature of the opposition. The review includes works by domestic and foreign (mostly English-speaking) authors published, with a few exceptions, in the last two decades; works written in line with both philosophical traditions are presented.