Practical philosophy: its past and present

Shokhin, V.K. Filosofiya prakticheskogo razuma. Agatalogicheskiy proekt [Philosophy of Practical Reason. Agathological project]. Saint Petersburg, 2020. 421 pp. (In Russian)


  • Ludmila E. Kryshtop Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Russia)



Shokhin, ‘Philosophy of Practical Reason’, practical philosophy, ethics, agathological project, good, goods


The review of V.K. Shokhin’s monograph examines the current state of research in practi­cal philosophy. It is noted that practical philosophy today undergoes a deep crisis due the lack of thorough research that would clarify its foundations and structure. The reviewed monograph serves as a timely filling of this apparent gap. The review covers the structure of the monograph, its main ideas, and conclusions to which V.K. Shokhin comes. The positive aspects of the work are examined in detail. Special attention is drawn to the universality and fundamental character of the study, to the scale of the tasks set by the au­thor most of which find their resolution in the course of the study. The thoroughness of the historical part of the study devoted to a discussion of the main representatives of Western philosophy as well as ancient Indian and ancient Chinese philosophical views is emphasized in a special way. Some polemical remarks and wishes regarding the further development of the author's research in this area are expressed. It is noted that the re­search will be of interest not only to the narrow circle of specialists in ethics but also to a general audience.







How to Cite

2021. Practical philosophy: its past and present: Shokhin, V.K. Filosofiya prakticheskogo razuma. Agatalogicheskiy proekt [Philosophy of Practical Reason. Agathological project]. Saint Petersburg, 2020. 421 pp. (In Russian). Filosofskii zhurnal | Philosophy Journal. 14, 3 (Jul. 2021), 174–183. DOI: