What kind of future is humanity facing?
Fukuyama, Club of Rome, transhumanism, liberalism, capitalism, ideology, civilizationAbstract
The article examines the scenarios for the future development of mankind presented by F. Fukuyama, the Club of Rome and transhumanists. It is shown that all these scenarios predict the future death of humanity. The question of how this can be avoided is discussed. It is noted that all the scenarios mentioned are Eurocentric: they extrapolate the current crisis of European civilization to all humanity. Indeed, the existence of European civilization is coming to an end, it decays and dies, infecting the whole world with the miasma of its decay. Now, a major question for Russian philosophers is how to protect Russia from the decay that Western Europe is currently experiencing. The author argues that in developing a project for the future of Russia, one should abandon liberal ideology and the capitalist mode of production, the main goal of which is to make profit. We need a new – collectivist – ideology, restriction of private property and market relations. The main task of Russian philosophy at the present time is the development of a new social project, the pursuit of which will give a high meaning to the life of the people of our country.