The socio-cultural and anthropological dimensions of the Russian revolution

Chernyaev, A. V. (ed.) Revolyutsiya, evolutsiya i dialog kul’tur. Doklady k 100-letiyu russkoy revoljutsii na Vsemirnom dne filosofii v Institute filosofii RAN 14.11.2017 [Revolution, evolution and the dialogue of cultures. Talks dedicated to the 100th an­niversary of the Russian revolution presented at the Institute of Philosophy, RAS during the International Day of Philosophy on November 14, 2017]. Moscow: Gnozis, 2018. 624 pp. (In Russian)


  • Aleksey N. Fatenkov Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
  • Andrey A. Davydov Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Russia)



Russian revolution, socio-cultural meanings, anthropological meanings, Revolution, evolution and dialogue of cultures


This is a review of the collection of materials of International scientific conference "Revolution, evolution and the dialogue of cultures", which took place in the RAS Institute of Philosophy in November 2017 and was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution. The reviewers assume that, as a rule, discussions on a historic event are beneficial. Debates, even the hot ones, prevent us from reducing conceivable history to its mythological and ideological simplifications. The root of historical polemics lies in a con­ceptual dilemma that cannot be solved unambiguously: the main meanings of events are actualized either in the moment of their happening, or later, when we are removed from these events. The explication of a meaningful completeness is inevitably contradictory on the level of social consciousness; sometimes it is the same at the level of an individual consciousness. Different aspects of the Russian revolution are addressed by the authors of "Revolution, evolution and the dialogue of cultures". The reviewers found it reasonable to emphasize the two conceptual lines thoroughly developed in the book: the socio-cultural and the anthropological one.







How to Cite

2020. The socio-cultural and anthropological dimensions of the Russian revolution: Chernyaev, A. V. (ed.) Revolyutsiya, evolutsiya i dialog kul’tur. Doklady k 100-letiyu russkoy revoljutsii na Vsemirnom dne filosofii v Institute filosofii RAN 14.11.2017 [Revolution, evolution and the dialogue of cultures. Talks dedicated to the 100th an­niversary of the Russian revolution presented at the Institute of Philosophy, RAS during the International Day of Philosophy on November 14, 2017]. Moscow: Gnozis, 2018. 624 pp. (In Russian). Filosofskii zhurnal | Philosophy Journal. 13, 1 (Feb. 2020), 173–183. DOI: